Let’s say that your company has just learned about Robotic Process Automation (RPA), a software that automates data entry and other repetitive processes. Maybe you’ve read it on the internet or happened to overhear someone mention it at a tech meetup or gathering, attended a tech conference, or maybe you were lucky enough to attend a user group meetup organized by one of the leading RPA providers like UiPath. You are excited! You are energized! You can’t wait to start!

But where do you start?

Understanding RPA

The easiest way to start is to find out more about Robotic Process Automation, how it can help a company and what its potentials are. Do not fear as there is a large amount of information and excess of opinions about the uses of the RPA, its results, and advantages and disadvantages. Also, information about vendors that make software to support the RPA and best practices that companies can use to achieve specific results are also available.

RPA Benefits

The best way to get an idea of the technology is to have it in your hands. Get acquainted with the RPA software providers and then request a demonstration or trial version of the software. You can make use of our demo request to see how RPA works and what you can achieve leveraging RPA in your business.

4 Steps of Digital Transformation

To begin your digital transformation journey, follow these four steps:

Know the vendors (like UiPath)

The RPA market is dynamic with new companies and products emerging all the time as there’s an increasing demand for business efficiency and productivity using technologies and process automation. While some providers are well established and have credentials and a large installed base, others seek to gain strength. Companies that consider a supplier for a software solution should know that a supplier is viable, that they have installed the product in similar companies or industries, and that they have a defined growth path for additional functions and features. Educate yourself in the provider landscape as a way to make an informed decision.

Try the software

Many of the providers in the RPA space offer a demo or trial version of their software. This is an excellent way to get practical experience with the product. In addition, many of the providers provide online documentation and training materials to help new users get started. Download the software if it is available. You can also contact us at dipoleDIAMOND for a demo.

@ Samuel Zeller on Unsplash

Experiment with RPA

Many companies prefer to start their RPA trips experimenting with a variety of products. This helps potential users become familiar with the products and better understand not only the differences between them but also how they are used and how to automate one or more processes. When experimenting with software, companies inevitably learn more about the supplier and the market. This information can also be used during the final selection of a solution.

Implement for Real

Of course, an organization needs more than experimentation to make a sound decision and optimize the resources needed to launch a successful RPA program. When the business is serious and you are ready to start the journey, we recommend starting with a proof of concept of the process. It is possible to adopt the “one-day proof of concept” approach, during which an organization quickly learns the process for automation and can quickly compare the impact of RPA with the existing manual process. A company can use this experience to initiate a discussion on the best way to use RPA.

The role of technology is evolving at a completely faster pace than probably anticipated years ago. Having learnt all that, what else are you waiting for? The Robots are here and you need to start your digital transformation journey now! Need a guide? Contact us